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freshclamの「PHASE download: type method: command #0: failed」エラー

?最近 freshclam のエラーが頻繁に報告されるようになり、迷惑メールが目立つようになった。 clamav の update ができないのが原因のようだ。


Thu Aug 23 13:01:03 2012 child exited: 6

Thu Aug 23 13:01:03 2012 PHASE download: type method: command #0: failed

Thu Aug 23 13:01:03 2012 PHASE download: failed



vi /usr/local/etc/clamav-update.conf

#### Options ####

# These settings will be overwrited with command line options.

# download from

# ? '' ? ? ? - Asia: Ishikawa, Japan

# ? '' ? ? ? ?- Asia: Tainan, Taiwan

# ? '' ? ?- Australia: Sydney, Australia

# ? '' ? ? ?- Europe: Brussels, Belgium

# ? '' ? ? ?- Europe: Lausanne, Switzerland

# ? '' ? ? ?- Europe: Bern, Switzerland

# ? '' ? ? ? ?- Europe: Duesseldorf, Germany

# ? '' ? ? ? ? - Europe: Berlin, Germany

# ? '' ? ? ?- Europe: Dublin, Ireland

# ? '' ? ? ? ?- Europe: Bologna, Italy

# ? '' ? ? - Europe: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

# ? '' ? ? ? ?- Europe: Kent, UK

# ? '' - North America: McLean, Virginia

# ? '' - North America: Seattle, Washington

# ? '' ? ?- North America: San Jose, CA

# ? '' ? ?- North America: Phoenix, AZ

# ? '' ? ? ? ?- South America: Curitiba, Brazil

$Setting{option}->{src} = '';

#$Setting{option}->{src} = '';

これで freshclam を実行
